Artist Residency Program
We invite artists to apply to our Artist Residency Program. Geared towards artists who have real-life obligations such as families and jobs, our Artist Residency Program is flexible to meet the creative needs of working professionals and caregivers. Artists design their own timelines and needs.
What we have to offer
Greencastle, IN is a quaint small college town in the heart of the Midwest. In close proximity to Indianapolis, Greencastle is accessible by both car and air travel. Our space provides artists with BOTH a place to stay and work!
Greencastle boasts an array of wonderful restaurants and shops, a nature park, weekly events, all within walking distance of the studio.

Dedicated Time & Space
The creative process demands time and space. Getting away for even two days can be enough to jump-start the creative process. We provide access to an etching press, a collection of textile equipment including looms, sewing machines, etc., and various small tools. Go here to learn more about what we provide and how to apply.